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What To Do Before And After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

What To Do Before And After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment is the most popular non-invasive cosmetic treatment, according to a 2020 report. 6.2 million Anti-Wrinkle injections were administered globally, and each year this figure grows. It’s safe to say that Anti-Wrinkle is a popular treatment. It’s effective, requires zero down time, and results are long lasting.

But as with any procedure, you need to follow the right pre and post care instructions for Anti-Wrinkle Treatment to get the best results. So today we’ll be answering some of the most asked questions about Anti-Wrinkle Treatment aftercare, with the help of Dr. Oisin Browne, who works out of our 15 Anne South St, Dublin Sisu Clinic location.

What Does Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Do?

When Anti-Wrinkle injection or another neuromodulator is injected, it relaxes the muscles. This has many uses.

1. To reduce and minimize the appearance of wrinkles

The most common use for Anti-Wrinkle Treatment is to prevent and minimize wrinkles. Wrinkles and lines in the skin are caused by facial expressions. The underlying muscles of the face move when you talk - for some people more than others. Over time, this causes lines and folds in the skin that become more noticeable with age.

To prevent wrinkles from facial movement, Anti-Wrinkle is injected into the muscles to relax them. As a result, the muscle does not move and fine lines soften. Ideally, getting Anti-Wrinkle Treatment before any lines appear will prevent them from forming. Thus, you’ll maintain your youthful appearance!

2. To prevent excessive sweating 

But this is just one of the many uses for Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. Another popular use is for excessive sweating, medically known as hyperhidrosis. For people who experience excessive and abnormal levels of sweating, it is an effective treatment.  Anti-Wrinkle can be used on any body part, including hands, to treat overactive sweat glands. Sisu Clinic treats patients who experience excessive sweating of the feet, hands, and forehead, among other areas.

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment is injected into the area of concern and the chemical blocks the nerve signals that are responsible for sweating. The result is that the sweat glands that produce sweat have been halted. You’ll still sweat elsewhere like normal, but the areas that overproduce sweat will be directly targeted. The treatment is non-invasive and quick, with results lasting between 6-12 months.

3. To combat teeth grinding  

Some people notice that they grind their teeth and clench their jaw - often during the night while they are sleeping, but for others it can be a response to stress and anxiety. Injecting into the masseter muscle can weaken its strength and thus prevent strenuous jaw clenching and grinding. 

Another side effect of masseter injection is a facial slimming effect. However, this only occurs for individuals that are experiencing masseter hypertrophy; which is when the jaw muscle increases in size as a result of excess clenching over time. To get the facial slimming effect from masseter treatment, a few treatments are required. This is because the jaw muscle can metabolize the treatment quicker than other areas because of how frequently the jaw is used for eating!

4. To improve a gummy smile

For some, smiling reveals their gums. This can be due to facial anatomy or thin lips. Injecting relaxes the upper lip so that it no longer rests high on the gumline, which is what causes a “gummy smile”. Many patients comment that their lips look bigger despite no filler being injected. This is because the treatment prevents the lips from ‘peeling back’ when you smile. You can enjoy these results just one week after treatment. 

5. To achieve a neck lift

A neck lift - sometimes referred to as a Nefertiti Neck Lift - a treatment administered to specific muscles in the neck. The application makes the muscles less pronounced and smooths out the skin, minimizing and eliminating fine lines and creases. A neck lift is a smart option for patients who want to rejuvenate and refresh their neckline without invasive and painful surgery.

6. To treat migraines

Migraines treatment is used as a way to treat migraines, and is effective in about 50 percent of patients, according to the co-founder of Sisu Clinic, Dr. James Cotter, “For those patients who have exhausted all other options of migraine-relief, this treatment is an extremely effective option and can drastically improve their quality of life."

Migraine treatment helps to relieve tension from chronic migraines by reducing painful muscular contractions and pain signals typically sent to the brain during an episode. Treatment for migraines targets the chronically tight muscles that cause tension headaches, including cervicogenic headaches.

This treatment can be administered in the forehead, temples, scalp, neck and at the back of the head. Your medical provider will try to identify and address trigger points that are the source of the pain to determine the appropriate areas to target..

7. For a brow lift

Injecting around the eyebrows can help to create a subtle lift and improve uneven arches. It’s popular for patients with droopy or hooded eyes; something that oftens worsens with age. That’s because the excess frowning or tension in the forehead can cause the brow to sag. Treating the underlying muscles can release the furrowing.

The best way to establish whether Anti-Wrinkle Treatment is the right treatment for you is to have a consultation with an experienced, highly skilled aesthetic provider.

What to Do Before Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Wondering what to do before your Anti-Wrinkle Treatment appointment? As a non-invasive procedure, you don’t have to do much other than look forward to your appointment! However, there are a few things that you can bear in mind to accelerate your recovery and get the best results. Here’s what to do, and what to avoid before getting Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

Before getting Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, do these things:

1. Be transparent with your provider

When it comes to getting Anti-Wrinkle injections, it’s important to know what your desired end result is, and making that known to your cosmetic provider.

At Sisu, we spend time in each consultation and at the beginning of each appointment to listen to what you want and advise accordingly. We do not suggest treatments unless specifically asked as we understand that each individual has different desired outcomes. Our goal is to naturally enhance your features, but if you want something specific out of your Anti-Wrinkle Treatment injections, make that known so we can fulfill it!

It’s also important that you share any relevant medical history with your provider, including any medications you are taking. This is to prevent any side effects and to get the best possible results in the safest possible manner.

2. Do your research

Similarly, it’s important to do your research on Anti-Wrinkle Treatment before getting it. If you’re reading this, you’re on the right path! We advocate for informed decision making when it comes to cosmetic treatments to make sure it’s the right decision for you.

For example, there are situations in which you should not get Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. Like if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. During your initial consultation for Anti-Wrinkle your provider will also go over this.

Plus, part of the research is to manage your expectations. If you come in with heavy-set brows due to your natural facial anatomy, you should not expect a brow lift to drastically alter the position of your brows. Your Sisu provider will go over this with you during the consultation, but conducting your own research will also help to set your expectations.

3. Avoid blood thinners

Certain types of medication thin the blood which increase your risk of bleeding and bruising after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. These include but are not limited to:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Excedrin
  • Vitamin e
  • Fish oil or other omega-3 supplements
  • Herbal supplements like St. John’s Wart, turmeric, ginger, grape seed extract, or ginkgo biloba.

We recommend avoiding blood thinners for around a week before your Anti-Wrinkle Treatment appointment. If you have been prescribed blood thinners by your doctor, seek their professional guidance before stopping.

4. Cut out alcohol for 48 hours

Avoid indulging in alcoholic beverages for the 48 hours leading up to your Anti-Wrinkle injections. This Anti-Wrinkle pre care tip is key as alcohol has adverse effects on the skin. Firstly, it dries out the skin and makes it more sensitive. As a result, you may experience more bruising, swelling, and redness after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. Secondly, alcohol is also a blood thinner, which as mentioned above can also delay recovery.

5. Remove makeup

Before getting Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, remove any makeup you have on your skin. Your Sisu provider will clean the injection sites prior to treatment with an antiseptic, however, it’s still a good idea to remove makeup before Anti-Wrinkle. This will make sure your skin is clean so that no bacteria is going into the skin.

6. Ask questions

During your appointment, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your Sisu provider will walk you through each step, so you are completely aware of what is happening and when. However, if you have any additional questions relating to your Anti-Wrinkle injections, feel free to ask. 

What to Do After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment 

Now that your Anti-Wrinkle injections have been administered, it’s time to relax and wait for it to kick-in! But there are some Anti-Wrinkle Treatment aftercare instructions that you should be aware of to make sure that you recover optimally and allow for the best results possible.

What you do after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment is vital. Even though it’s a non-invasive procedure, your skin has still experienced a tiny puncture from the needle and the targeted muscle has been exposed to the neuromodulator and is getting absorbed by the nerve cells. For this reason, there are certain things you should avoid after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, and some things that help speed up recovery after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. Here’s what you need to know.

Try these Anti-Wrinkle Treatment after-care tips:

1. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours

When you exercise, your heart rate increases and your body temperature rises. Both of these factors can impair your body’s ability to recover optimally after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

As your heart rate elevates, it increases blood flow around your body, including to the injection site. This could possibly cause the Anti-Wrinkle Treatment to spread from the initial injection site. This could reduce the efficacy of the treatment, or perhaps even temporarily paralyze surrounding muscles. Increased blood flow can also cause swelling in the injection area, which will delay your results.

When your body temperature increases, you’re more likely to sweat. This can increase your risk of bruising and swelling after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. 

Four or so hours after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment you can engage in light exercise that doesn’t spike your heart rate, like walking. However, you still want to stay in an upright position. We’ll explain why in point three!

Check out this article we wrote that explains more about exercise and Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, and why you should skip the workout after injections.

2. Avoid increasing your body temperature

It’s not just exercise that increases your body temperature. Saunas, steam rooms, sun tanning, or sunbeds all raise your body temperature and can increase your risk of swelling and bruising after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. 

If you live in a hot climate, try to stay inside for the first day after getting Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. Keeping the area cool will help you recover quickly.

3. Don’t lay down after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

This may sound like a strange one, so you may be wondering “what happens if I lay down after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?”, and the answer is: probably nothing. However, it’s better to err on the side of caution. You want to give the Anti-Wrinkle Treatment a chance to ‘settle in’. Lying down after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment may cause it to migrate or spread to the surrounding tissues.

Plus, because many people sleep on their side, when you lay down after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, you are likely putting pressure on the injection site. This can cause swelling, bruising, and general discomfort as well as increasing the risk of migration.

In general, aim to stay upright for at least four hours after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. If you get Anti-Wrinkle Treatment in the evening and are going to bed within four hours, lay down on your back with your head elevated. This will help to minimize blood flow to the area to combat bruising and swelling after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

4. Use ice

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

is a non-invasive, pain-free procedure. You may experience a pinprick sensation, which some tolerate better than others. If you have a low threshold for discomfort, you can ice the area immediately after treatment. Icing the area constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow so also has advantages in terms of limiting bruising and swelling after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment injections. 

Avoid applying ice directly to the skin. Instead, wrap an ice pack in a light towel and gently hold it to the skin. Do not apply pressure as this may worsen discomfort. Do this for five to 10 minutes when needed for the first 24 hours after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

5. Avoid makeup

Avoid putting on makeup immediately after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. It’s best to avoid it for the rest of the day if you can, but if you do have plans and want to put makeup on, wait at least four hours before applying it. If you do apply it, make sure the makeup applicator is sterile.

Applying makeup or using unclean makeup brushes increases your risk of spreading bacteria into the injection site and possibly getting infected. While this likelihood is very low and not something commonly seen, it’s better to practice hygienic habits after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment to recover as quickly as possible.

6. Don’t touch the injection site

For the first day or two after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, avoid touching the injection site. The reasons for this are two-fold: to avoid spreading bacteria to the treated area, and to avoid placing pressure on the site which may cause migration or swelling.

Some people wonder if they can do Pilates after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, and unfortunately, if you will be putting pressure on the injection site it’s advisable that you skip it for the first 24 hours.

Other things that put pressure on the injection site include wearing a hat, scarf, headband, or your sleeping position. 

7. Use arnica

Arnica is a homeopathic herb that has been shown to reduce inflammation and swelling, making it one of the most effective, natural remedies for bruising after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment. You can apply arnica topically in a cream or gel form, or orally in a supplement form. 

If you would like to naturally avoid bruising after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, take an arnica tablet before your appointment, and every six hours after your injections, for the next few days.

Here are other natural ways to avoid bruising:

  • Eat pineapple - The enzyme bromelain in pineapple has been shown to help bruises heal faster.
  • Ice the area - Ice reduces inflammation, and inflammation is what leads to bruising!
  • Aloe vera - Topical aloe vera is soothing for the skin, combating inflammation and minimizing bruises.
  • Stay elevated - Staying upright after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment will also help to reduce the risk of bruising.

8. Skincare after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

While doctors recommend avoiding makeup for 24 hours, you should still stick to your skincare routine after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, with a few adjustments. For example, harsh ingredients like retinol, glycolic acid, hydroxy acid, vitamin C, and any other exfoliants or ‘actives’. Despite being extremely effective, active ingredients can be harsh on the skin. After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, your skin is more sensitive and may respond poorly to these ingredients.

So what is the best skincare advice after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment? Stick to gentle ingredients and a simplified routine - a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF in the morning. You only have to do this for the first day or two after anti-wrinkle treatment. If you have specific questions about skincare and Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, like if you have been prescribed topicals from your dermatologist, discuss this with your provider.

9. Skip the alcohol

If you’ve followed the pre-Anti-Wrinkle Treatment protocols, continue this for another day! Avoiding alcohol after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment will allow your body to recover quickly and reduce the risk of swelling and bruising after anti-wrinkle treatment. 

10. Be patient

The final Anti-Wrinkle Treatment aftercare tip we’ve got is to be patient. The general timeline for Anti-Wrinkle Treatment to work is between three to seven days. However, this might be longer for certain areas. For example, if you want to enjoy the facial slimming effect of masseter Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, it takes three to six months to see improvements.

Once the Anti-Wrinkle Treatment has been injected, it will do its job. But you have to be patient. If you are not seeing the results you wanted after the timeline set by your provider, you can come in to be assessed. There is always some variation in how each person responds to Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, which your provider will be able to pre-empt when they treat you consistently, to ensure you get the best results every time!

Final Takeaways

To wrap up, let’s summarize what we’ve covered. Here’s what you should do before Anti-Wrinkle Treatment:

  • Do your research and explore options with your provider
  • Avoid blood thinners and alcohol
  • Remove makeup

Here’s what what you should do after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment:

  • Use arnica and other natural remedies to avoid bruising
  • Apply ice
  • Stay consistent with your skincare routine
  • Be patient
    Here’s what you should avoid after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment:
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and elevating your body temperature
  • Avoid lying down after Anti-Wrinkle Treatment
  • Skip the alcohol 

To get the best results from your anti-wrinkle injections, follow these pre and post-care tips. For more information, or to book your Anti-Wrinkle Treatment consultation,

About Sisu Clinic

Sisu Clinic is a doctor-led aesthetic medicine destination offering a comprehensive range of the most advanced beauty treatments in the world—including Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, dermal fillers, skin boosters, thread lifts, and more.

Our patient-focused, empathic approach to care is focused on enhancing the natural beauty of our patients, favoring timelessness and elegance over trends and artificial results and empowering everyone we treat to put their best face forward.

Don't forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates and tips on beauty trends, treatments, and more. Embrace the aesthetic revolution today, and discover the power of personalized beauty at Sisu Clinic.

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Experience the transformation with Swan Neck Anti-Wrinkle Injections at our Cork City Centre clinic. Book your consultation at our Cork City Centre location.

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Unveil a new you with Swan Neck Anti-Wrinkle Injections at our Sutton, Dublin clinic. Schedule your consultation at our Sutton, Dublin location.

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Discover your potential with Swan Neck Anti-Wrinkle Injections at our Belfast City Centre clinic. Schedule your consultation at our Belfast City Centre location.

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Embrace the elegance with Swan Neck Anti-Wrinkle Injections at our Hampstead, London clinic. Book your consultation at our Hampstead, London location.

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